Friday, June 25, 2010

How to choose the topic of your blog?

Now that you have created your blog, it is time to start writing posts for it.

                             What should you write about? What should be the topic or content of your blog?
Actually you can create a blog on anything you can imagine.  You can blog even about what you take in your breakfast, or what you like to read at night. But can anything be choosen indiscriminately as the content of your blog attract visitors. Obviously, no
Remember that you are blogging to make money. The earning potential of your blog is directly proportionate with the number of visitors it attracts. If the number of visitors to your blog goes up, it would mean more income to you.
First of all the topic of your blog must have a business value. Advertisements on your blog generate income. So the topic of your blog should be such that advertisers may have the chance to advertise their products. For example, if you write about yourself, advertisers cannot advertise their product on your blog.
My experience is that people love to have solutions to their problems. If you help them solve the problems they face in their day-to-day life, they will come to you again and again.
So create a blog to give them tips, for example, about how they can  multiply their income from the comforts of their own homes in their leisure, or, how they can teach their kids effectively, or what exercises they should take to keep themselves fit and healthy. Problems are endless, so are the earning potential of your blog.
But you can’t write anything unless you have sufficient knowledge about what you are going to write. So acquiring knowledge about the content of your blog is a must. You can take help from the internet about the topic you are writing about.
However sheer knowledge of topic cannot produce great results. You must have a passion for what you write. Passion combined with knowledge makes your writing vivid, vibrant and therefore impressive. So love your topic and be passionate about it.
I have also noticed that people dislike reading long posts. So try to be brief, if possible. Ensure that your content does not exceed 1000 words. But this does not mean that your posts should be too short unless you can’t avoid keeping them so. People generally ignore too short posts and they don’t have time or patience to go through too long ones.
To sum up what I have said by now, the content of your blog should be based upon your first hand experiences, as far as possible.
Last but not the least make sure that your language is grammatically correct. Use simple words and short sentences to express yourself.

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