Saturday, June 26, 2010

How can we earn good money from Google Adsense

How can we earn good money from Adsense?

Of course, with such a blog and a good traffic to it, you can have a satisfactory income, but how much can you earn? A simple search on Google can reveal that these are blogs that have succeeded in grabing bucks, and then again there are blogs that make minuscule amounts. Ask yourself, “What are the factors that distinguish between the former and the latter categories of blogs?
Make a simple search again and watch the most visited, most popular blogs carefully. You will find the answer. You will discover that those highly successful blogs have a high level of traffic, been created on popular topics( that often related to costly gadgets or things), have high valued ads that are relevant to the topic and optimally positioned in the blogs.

In brief, a high level of traffic, a good topic, high valued ads optimally positioned and relevant to the topic of your blog. It’s certainly a well balanced list of factors that lead a blog to success. But I would like to add one more factor to it : a quality content, I think, can take care of at least three of the above mentioned factors : traffic, high valued ads relevant to the topic of your blog.

You can’t write a quality and originally informative content unless and until you have a good knowledge and experience of topic. If you want to create a blog with optimal earning potential, writing a quality content becomes even more important.

Let me make the importance of a quality content clearer and show to you how it has a positive effect on the earnings from your blog.

Suppose you intend to create a blog on laptops or digital cameras. These are costly gadgets. Google Adsense would accept your application only if your blog contains a quality, informative content about the gadgets. Topic is good, content is informative, interesting and attractive. You need not care about traffic, it will automatically follow. Regular or loyal readers of your blog constitute traffic to it. When they first come across your blog, they are only visitors to it. Just ordinary, transient visitors who seldom come back. They turn regular or loyal readers of your blog only if they find quality content in it. If the content of your blog lacks quality, they would not waste time reading it.

Thus a highly informative, quality content maintains a good inflow of traffic to your blog. It attracts visitors who ultimately become loyal readers of your blog.
Now let us see how a good content with a good topic helps you get valued ads from Google Adsense.

You may write a fine content on a very trivial thing, for example, on ball pen refills. But even a content of the highest quality written on  trivial product can’t expect high valued ads from Adsense. You can’t hope to earn much from such a blog. But if you are blogging about cars, laptops or digital cameras, Google Adsense would serve you high valued ads that would generate higher incomes for you.

I know most of my readers may got confused here. They may argue,” If this is the case, then the credit of getting more revenue from adsense should go to the selection of topic and not to the content.”

I would like them to reconsider their conclusion. My experience is that if you write a poor content on a high valued product, Google Adsense would not accept your blog in the first place. And if it somehow accepts it, the lack of traffic would have an adverse effect on the earning potential of the high valued ads. No blog with a poor content can attract traffic.

However all this is an imaginary situation. Google Adsense does not accept a blog with a poor content.

My formula for getting a high income from Adsense is : TCT(Topic, content and Traffic). So take care of the three factors. Choose a good topic and write a quality, informative and interesting content. Traffic will follow automatically and the combination of three factors will unlease a source of great income for you.

1 comment:

Thisyarakshita said...

hi Saumitra,

nice information about the google adsense, i am sending my email id kindly suggest me some thing about google adsense and latest rules and regulations of google adsense from time to time,have a nice day