Friday, June 25, 2010

How to make money from your blog?

A brief look at online earning opportunities

Now your blog is at the threshold of its destination: making money from it. So it time now we discussed how we can use our blog to milk the sources of income available online.

There are countless earning opportunities online you can in on if you have a good web site or blog. As the heading of the post suggests this post contains only a glimpse of these opportunities. We would be discussing them in detail in subsequent posts.

Now let us have a glance at some of these wonderful online money making options for your blog.

Google Adsense
Google Adsense is the most preferred money making option for bloggers and web site owners. If your blog enjoys original, quality, and informative content in good quantity, you can apply for ads from Google Adsense. They say that content is what Google loves most. Another thing important for Google is traffic.
Detailed information about Google Adsense follows in the next post.

Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate markets like Commission Junction, Clickbank and many others are excellent sources of online income. All you need here is promote and sale products related to your niche and pocket a decent profit. Here I have mentioned only a couple of affiliate markets. There are many more of them out there on the internet. We will discuss about affiliate marketing in a subsequent post.

CPA Networks
CPA networks pay you when a visitor signs up. It’s a good source of online income.
CPM Networks
Here you get paid on the basis of the page view of your blog.
The list does not end here. You can write a quality review for a service or product and get paid for it. You can add your blog to these review networks like and

Besides this, you can sell ad space on your blog.

You can write E-books and sell them through your blog.

You can even sell your blog for a handsome profit.

In brief, there are numerous ways of earning through your blog. Only a few of them are mentioned here. We will have more information about these and some other options in future posts.

                                    I know a large chunk of the readers of this blog may consider this post unnecessary. They may think I could have written about the earning opportunities online for a blog in this post. They are right, but I thought it would be better to encourage my readers, especially beginners or first timers and convince them about the earning potential of a blog.

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