Friday, June 25, 2010

What is keyword?

While writing the previous post, I had not thought that I would have to write a separate post, though a small one, to illustrate the meaning of “keyword”. But I found that some of my friends in my hometown have confusions about the meaning of “keyword”. So I decided to clarify the meaning of keyword through a small post.

The keyword of a blog or a site or a document is the word that indicates its content. You can define “keyword” as a word or a set or string of words that is used by the surfers to find the information they seek on the internet.

As we know, internet is the greatest treasure of information. Finding a particular information from among piles of information on innumerable topics is not easy. It is the keyword that serves as a key to open the lock and find out the required information within minutes.

For example, suppose you want to know about the sites or blogs on “work from home”. You would have to make a search on the internet. You will type “work from home sites” or sites and blogs on work from home or anything like that. And you will find a list of such blogs and sites within seconds.

Here in the example the set or string of the three words,” work from home” is the keyword, because it indicates the content of the sites or blogs.

I have often seen people mistaking the title of an article or a site or blog for keyword. A title is different from keyword. However I some cases they may be identical. For example, let us take the article you are reading at the moment. The title of the article is “keyword”. The content of too of the article is about keyword. Thus the title here indicates the content. So the title itself is the keyword of this article.

In brief, the golden rule to identify the keyword is: Title is not always identical to the keyword, but the content is.  

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