Friday, June 25, 2010

What google adsense likes?

One of my father’s friends, a doctor in our home town, has been a web site owner for last several years. He purchased a web space and domain name, designed a template with the help of his son and launched his site. After sometime he applied for Google Adsense ads, but Adsense rejected his application.

Why? I think, perhaps the doctor’s site lacked some factors that adsense likes to see in a site or blog?

I have cited the example to show you that Google Adsense does not allow every site to display its ads.

So, here we will see what factors are important for Google Adsense.

Google Adsense gives importance to six factors. They are keyword, domain name, template, content, updation and SEO or Search Engine Optimization.
Let us discuss all these factors one by one.

Keyword : Keyword, in blogging, means a word or a set of words that indicates the content of the blog( or, site). For example, let us this blog.

 Domain name:- Domain name is a set of addresses, or, say, a subset of the internet with addresses. All these addresses share a common suffix. You have two options here. If you can afford, you can  buy your own domain name and blog space, or else, you can get them for free from free blog services like blogger.

Template:- An attractive template for your blog is one of the essential factors for Google Adsense. You can purchase a fine template from blogger and wordpress or get one for free from either of these free blog services. You can also design one if you know how to design a template.

Updation:- Frequent updation of your blog is extremely necessary for Google Adsense. A frequently updated blog attracts visitors and enriches the blog’s traffic. Adsense values it. So update your blog twice or thrice a week. However if you are too busy, update your blog at least once a week. Many great bloggers are in favor of daily updation of blog, but it is not always possible to write quality posts everyday. So I would like to suggest you to be flexible, or say, follow a middle path in this respect. Update your blog as frequently as possible. It will keep your blog alive and brighten your net presence.

Content:- Visitors love visiting with quality and informative content. They continue frequenting such a blog again and again and so the traffic of the blog never dwindles. It goes on improving and so does the income from the blog. So whenever you are going to update your blog, make it a point to write quality posts packed with information.

SEO:- SEO is the abbreviated form of Search Engine Optimization. It is the process of improving your blog traffic both quantitatively and qualitatively. Besides, it also makes it easier for search engines to find your content. It hightens the rank of your blog in the search engine results. The higher the rank of your blog, the more visitors will it attract.

                      These six factors are important for Google Adsense. If you are going to apply for Adsense ads for your blog, make sure that all these factors of your blog are in order so that your blog becomes more acceptable for Adsense. We had discussed the methods of optimizing your blog in our post. Click here to read it once again.

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